Rates: | |
Single occupancy: |
Double occupancy: |
Reservation: | |
First occupant
Name (last, first, MI):_________________________ Address:____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone: home:______________ office:____________ Arrival date:__________ Departure date:__________ |
Second occupant
Name (last, first, MI):_________________________ Address:____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone: home:______________ office:____________ Arrival date:__________ Departure date:__________ |
Deposit method of payment: | |
First occupant
Check:____ Credit card name:_____________________________ Credit card number:___________________________ Expiration date:______________________________ Name on account:____________________________ Signature:__________________________________ |
Second occupant
Check:____ Credit card name:_____________________________ Credit card number:___________________________ Expiration date:______________________________ Name on account:____________________________ Signature:__________________________________ |
To make a reservation:
Mail this form to:
Reservation office, Mohonk Mountain House, Lake Mohonk, New Paltz NY 12561 U.S.A.
(You can print out a prettier version of this form from the Acrobat PDF file.)
Or, fax the form to: (914) 256-2161
Or, call (800) 772-6646 (within the U.S.) or +1 (914) 255-4500 (outside the U.S.). Please mention that you are attending the IEEE Audio Workshop when calling.