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Author Guidelines and Paper Templates

A link to the CMT submission website will provided soon.

A PDF version of these author guidelines (download)

Paper Templates

The LaTeX and Word templates will be released soon.

We plan to use the same IEEE template as ICASSP 2025, except that we will modify the author macros to be similar to that of past WASPAAs.

The length of the submissions will remain 4+1 pages. We expect the revised template to effectively allow roughly a half column more content and 50% more references than past WASPAA templates.

Submission Guidelines

Please carefully read the Call for Papers and the Author Guidelines on this page before preparing your manuscript. Papers must be original and not previously published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Also, please ensure that your manuscript conforms to the provided templates and formatting guidelines (to be released soon). Manuscripts that do not adhere to the guidelines will be returned without review. We recommend that you edit your manuscript thoroughly before submission. All submissions should be four-page long with an additional page that only contains references.

Double-Blind Review (No Black-out Period)

Please note that the review process is double-blind. This change was introduced in 2023 to reduce bias and increase fairness in the review process. Do not identify yourself or your institution in the paper: cite your own work in the third person. Any self-identifying information should be removed from the manuscript.

There will be no black-out period: you may freely choose to publish non-anonymized versions of your paper on arXiv or other sites, and/or advertise your work on social media.

Conflict of Interest

During the submission process, you will be asked to provide a list of potential conflicts of interest. Please disclose any potential conflicts of interest to avoid compromised reviews. We appreciate your transparency in this regard.

Review Process

Once your manuscript is submitted, it will be assigned to a group of reviewers for evaluation (at least three reviewers per paper). The reviewers will provide feedback on the quality and suitability of your manuscript for the workshop.

Rebuttal Process

After receiving the reviews, you will have an opportunity to submit a short text to point out to meta-reviewers any issues with the reviewers’ assessments. Only meta-reviewers will be able to view the rebuttal.

Final Decision

The TPC chairs will make the final decision on the acceptance of your manuscript based on the reviews, meta-reviews, and the rebuttal text. We appreciate your patience during the review process. Thank you for engaging with the technical program committee as needed.

We hope that these guidelines provide you with a clear understanding of the submission and review process for WASPAA 2025. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to receiving your manuscript and working with you.

Thank you for your valuable contribution to the workshop.