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Call for Individual Donations

To empower our diversity & inclusion efforts for WASPAA 2025 and beyond, we are holding a donation drive for IEEE Signal Processing on Student & Young Professionals (SYP) Fund. 

All donations will be reserved for the AASP TC and/or future WASPAA organizers and spent directly on students & young professionals (e.g., travel grants). Your donations make a bigger impact than you think: the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) doubles all donations by contributing to the general SYP fund.

Donate via Volunteer Time 

Many companies offer volunteer grant programs to encourage philanthropy. Such programs allow you to turn volunteer hours at approved non-profits (e.g., ACM, IEEE, ISMIR) to cash donations (e.g., 1 volunteer hour = $25). At many companies, time spent reviewing papers, performing TC duties, and similar are included. To do so,

  • Navigate to IEEE Foundation and verify your institution is eligible for volunteer grants
  • Find your corporate employee donation portal. Companies with volunteer grants via the Benevity platform include: Adobe, Microsoft, Dolby, Apple, Sony, Nvidia, Google, and more. Other platforms include: Mitsubishi Electric America, Nielsen, and more.
  • Submit volunteer time at any registered non-profit for approval. Volunteer time for IEEE, ACM, ISMIR, or similar duties should be applicable, but do check your company policy. Make a note of what you did (e.g., 10 hours ICASSP reviewing).
  • Once approved by your company, your volunteer time will be converted to dollars within the donation system. 
  • Donate to the IEEE Foundation and in the comments field write: “For the IEEE SPS SYP Fund and reserve for the AASP TC and/or WASPAA”.
  • Note: in most cases, the non-profit you volunteer at and the non-profit you donate to can be different, but please consult your individual company rules and regulations.

Donate via a Direct Financial Contribution

Many companies offer matching grant programs to encourage philanthropy. Such programs allow you to double or triple a direct cash donation to an approved non-profit (e.g. you give $25, your company gives $25 more). To do so,

Using the Benevity platform or similar platform, donate to our initiative by selecting the IEEE Foundation and in the comments field write: “For the IEEE SPS SYP Fund and reserve for the AASP TC and/or WASPAA”.

Navigate to IEEE Foundation and verify your institution is eligible for matching gifts

Find your corporate employee portal. Companies with matching donations via the Benvity platform include: Spotify, Meta, and more. Other platforms include: SiriusXM.